If you have several employees, and you would like the same card, but with each persons name and individual contact details, is available for the same design.

The cost of this service for each extra card is a one off payment of £50.00  

Option two: includes everything as set out above but to include our very special Digital Biz Cards QR Code which will feature your photo logo or other design. All artwork and hosting/maintenance fees are included for one year. 

The cost of this service is a one off payment of £400.00  

E-mail to Mr Magical

To pay using your debit or credit card, you don't need to have a PayPal account.

once you have clicked on the PayPal button, just select the 'Pay as a guest' tab. 

It's a very easy and secure system. 

Facebook to Digital Biz Cards

Members of The Magic Circle and personal friends should contact me please.


Monthly payments are available if you prefer to pay monthly. A initial payment of £100.00 is payable before the card is created, followed by 11 equal payments to be determined once we know which service you require.

Your Digital Biz Card has several components.

Option One: A two page Digital Biz Card which is hosted on www.DigitalBiz.Cards. 

the purpose of these two pages is to deliver your telephone number with a button which will dial your number when pressed. Likewise, there is also an e-mail button which will e-mail you when pressed. Other buttons include a direct connection with your main website if you have one, and also links to all of your social media accounts bei it Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc. 

The Two pages can also display some words about who you are, and what your business is about. Video links and photos can be displayed on a slideshow, or individually. The Digital Biz Card will be designed to match your logo, or to any style you would like. You can just leave it to us to come up with a look and feel that we think fits your image. The cost of the coding, design and hosting etc is all inclusive. After the first draft, you may make changes twice in the first month at no extra cost. Changes thereafter are priced at £20.00 per hour. 

The cost of this service is a one off payment of £200.00  

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